vendredi 13 juillet 2018

Noam fait " checker" sa cicatrice par son chirurgien / Noam has his scar controlled by his surgeon

Hier, Noam a fait vérifier sa cicatrice par son chirurgien. Il est très content du résultat, mais il y a encore du travail... On continue de faire sa physio 15mn toutes les heures huit fois par jour. Mais depuis hier, il n'a plus de pansement, même s'il garde son attelle. Il peut maintenant aller dans la piscine.

Yesterday, Noam went to check his scar by his surgeon. He is happy with the result, but there is still much work... We continue with his physiotherapy for 15mn every hour eight times a day... But since yesterday, he has no more bandage, even if he keeps his splint. He can now go in the swimming pool.

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